At GlassKote, we’re passionate about change. We want to help facilitate new trends in interior design to create truly unique and innovative environments, and we want to help visionary firms to differentiate themselves in the market and make a statement.
One of the most important design elements is color, and that’s something that has been lacking in the glass industry. The traditional choices have been clear, sandblasted, or etched. While some laminated materials have been used to achieve color, the depth and texture of the colors isn’t very good, the material isn’t flexible, and it can be very expensive.
We’re changing all of that! Not only does the GlassKote process provide a virtually limitless selection of colors and textures, it can be used with virtually any type of glass, and is very suitable for small, one-off projects. Our ability to apply color locally with fast turnaround gives architects and designers flexibility and accountability that just hasn’t been possible before now. And we’re completely changing the pricing models of the past, so cost isn’t an issue.
The GlassKote process is tried and tested with installations dating back more than 25 years. The product is now available in over 35 countries worldwide.
We invite you to look at some GlassKote projects to get a better feel for what can be accomplished, and feel free to contact us to get more information and request a sample kit. You may have seen other systems on the market before, but you haven’t seen anything like GlassKote.
Don’t take our word for it, request some samples and experience the impact of the product for yourself.